September is membership renewal month. The PCC calendar year is Sep 1 - Aug 31.
President’s Message
Here we are at the start of Fall and the Labor Day kickoff. I hope you are enjoying the slight change in weather and that we all get a good measure of rain soon as it is desperately needed.
We’ve been watching the proposals for our tax rates and property valuations, and it seems across the board all of the local entities are planning to pass on increases in operations in this inflationary environment, intending to pass the pain to We The Citizens. While the Plano City Council has not made a final decision, instead choosing to make the determination at the September 9th council meeting, it appears they may make moderate changes to the tax rate, but we will all feel the pain from the increases in the valuation of our real estate. PISD, Collin College, Collin County, and City of Plano will all take a bite out of your pocketbook. Make your voice heard prior to, or the day of, the September 9th council meeting by reaching out to your representatives.
Are you concerned about the direction of schools in Texas? The PISD Board of Trustees needs to hear from you on many of the issues they are facing. With their recent announcement of closing 4 local schools and the fiscal challenges being faced due to declining enrollment, the results of students’ achievement are slightly improved but still very disappointing. Please come to our September 12 General Meeting, 6:30 p.m. at Lord of Life Lutheran Church as our Senator Angela Paxton in SD8 presents proposals she is pursuing in the state legislature when it reconvenes at the start of the next legislative cycle. As a former teacher herself, Senator Paxton is well aware of the shortcomings that require correction. She will discuss her prior proposals from the last legislative session that never were pursued in the House, though passed in the Senate. Come get your own education on her ideas and share your own thoughts with our Senator.
What should a chicken coop cost to construct and enclose? We will have an opportunity for you to submit your idea at the meeting and reveal what your city believes is the correct answer.
Looking forward to seeing you September 12th!
Pat Greer, President
Did You Know?
Taxes are on everyone’s mind. Two options were considered by the Collin College Board of Trustees. Moving to the “No new taxes” rate, (provided by the Collin County tax assessor’s office) would reduce each household approximately $17.00 a year. With this “savings” in mind the Board also explored leaving the tax rates as it has been for the last several years. It is true that with property values rising, citizens will pay more in taxes with the tax rate remaining the same. Increase in home values plus the “new builds” in the county adding to the taxable property rolls in concert with the college’s forward thinking financial budgeting, the tax rate does not need to increase to meet Collin College’s responsibilities. The vote was unanimous; Collin College’s portion of your property tax bill will remain at the same rate as the last several years.
It seems we are all suffering from inflation. With this in mind, I am pleased to announce that without raising the tax rates and staying financially responsible, Collin College Board of Trustees voted to provide our faculty and staff a 5% wage increase. I am proud that Collin College is hoping to ease financial challenges for those that work for our college.
Plano campuses are on the drawing board for improvement. Watch for both the Spring Creek and Courtyard campuses to be improved. Spring Creek will be adding nursing courses and laboratories. Courtyard will be repurposed to offer medical support services disciplines coursework.
Collin College is estimated to enroll approximately 60,000 Collin County students in the Fall 2024 semester. (By comparison…2023 - UT Dallas reported approximately 22,000 undergraduate students enrolled.)
Collin College in the News
July 2024 Newsweek interviewed Dr. Neil Matkin, District President for their Education Services section of the magazine. Collin College’s focus on “supplying critical skills needed by business” through identifying “relevance, partnership and sense of urgency … driving the success of graduates in high-demand fields” was the focus of the interview.
The 2024 Faces of Frisco publication recognized Dr. Diana Hopes for her eight years of “dynamic” leadership. She has recently been appointed the provost of the Frisco campus, “home to the IT Center, a hub for the college’s Bachelor of Applied Technology in Cybersecurity and IT programs.” Congratulations!
Collin College is reported to be “Collin County’s best kept secret.” The word is getting out!
Upcoming Plano Citizens’ Coalition event:
General Meeting - Thursday, September 12th. Senator Angela Paxton will speak on her Parent Information Task Force.
Plano City Council meeting live streamed on and City of Plano Facebook page. Next meeting: September 9, 2024.
Plano City Council meetings will temporarily be held at Davis Library (7501 Independence Pkwy.) as of April 8, 2024, during renovation of the council chambers.
Join or renew here.
Make your voice heard by joining PCC! Together we will work to keep Plano a City of Excellence. We offer four types of membership: Individual, Family, Student, and Non-Plano Resident. Click here to learn more.
Get Involved
Serve on a Committee
Policy Committees
These committees are responsible for overseeing policy research and position formulation for our organization for both City of Plano issues as well as PISD.
Leadership Development Committee
This committee seeks to identify, train, and support future City of Plano and PISD leaders.
If you would like to serve on either of these, please contact Plano Citizens’ Coalition.
Submit an Opinion Article
PCC is open to guest writers. Send an article to PCC and the appropriate Committee at Plano Citizens’ Coalition for review. Your work could be featured in our next newsletter.
Our mailing address is:
Plano Citizens' Coalition
2701 W. 15th Street #249
Plano, TX 75075
Copyright © 2024 Plano Citizens' Coalition, All rights reserved.
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